Thursday, August 31, 2017

Daily Log

Daily Log(31.08.17)

Class III

G.K-Revision of Whole Syllabus(Pages 24 to 35 , August Current Affairs) of General Knowledge. Prepare well for the Exam tomorrow (1.09.17).
Science- Revision of the chapter Birds and their Nest.

Monday, August 28, 2017


Daily Log

Class III- Hands on in Computer LAB.
Class IV Home Assignment- Do Q. 2,3 of Page 59 in Book.

Class III-Discussion of Short Answer question from the sample paper and completing them in Answersheets.

Monday, August 21, 2017


Class III (PRIMUS) enthusiastically participated in the Nest making Activity.Students collected different material required for Nest Making from School Ground like dry grass,twigs,Leaves. Student prepared different types of Nest prepared by different bird and later explained their Nest.

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Line up for Peace

Line Up  for Peace-
Peace day activity conducted in class III PRIMUS. In this activity student had to line up silently and peacefully in different conditions given like arranging themselves according to their height,according to Roll number, according to their birth month.The motive of the activity was to teach the students the importance of imbibing peaceful and calm attitude which can enhance the flavour of life.students thoroughly enjoyed the activity.

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Raksha Bandhan 2017

Raksha bandhan means "bond of protection". This bond  created by the students of  PRIMUS section of DAV Pushapanjali. 

The students tied Rakhi to the trees showing their care and concern towards the environment.

This Gesture was made to create a bond with nature , a promise by the students to protect the environment.Making the students responsible citizens and to sensitize them towards the environment.

Friday, August 4, 2017

Care towards Animals

A situation was given to the students and they had to depict a 5 min scene in which they have to come up with the solution of the problem and the value they learnt from the given situation. For e.g If they are passing by playground and they see some children hitting a dog with stones ,they will depict the scene and how they will react to the situation. This activity helped the student to be caring towards the animal and sensitizing them towards animals.


 Students of class 2 Cambridge made asimple forcemeter to measure the force on different objects.students prepared the forcemeter and used d...