Thursday, August 22, 2019

Water temperature

Students of class IIIA cambridge International performed an hands on activity to measure the temperature of water at room temperature using laboratory thermometer.students learnt to take reading from a thermometer. 

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Local habitats

Students of class III A Cambridge visited school’s herbal garden to observe  different habitat of animals where they came across snailand earthworm in the moist soil, birds on trees etc. Students recorded their observations

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Snail-Specimen observation

Students of class III A observed snail it’s  structure , movement and how it uses its shell in case of any threat.students through this activity enhanced their observational skill and also learnt about snail .

Melting in different solids

Student of class III did an activity on different melting in solids like-Butter, chocolates and ice .They recorded the time each solid took to melt and observed that ice melted faster than the other solids and also concluded that heat is required to melt a substance.


 Students of class 2 Cambridge made asimple forcemeter to measure the force on different objects.students prepared the forcemeter and used d...