Saturday, October 26, 2019

Happy Diwali 2019

Students of cambridge Wing participated in the rally where students  distributed  paper bags to shun the use of plastic and also to not use crackers to keep our environment pollution free.


Thursday, October 17, 2019

Sound through Parabolic dishes

Students  of class IIIA visited science park  and did a hands on with parabolic dishes and concluded that sound vibrations travel through air from one  dish to the other.students participated in the activity with great zeal and were able to grasp the concept in an interesting way.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Sound through cardboard tube

Students of Class IIIA Cambridge International wing performed an activity using cardboard tube.In this activity students spoke to each other using the cardboard and without tha cardboard they could differentiate in the sound volume and concluded that sound was louder through cardboard. Students got the concept that trapping the sound can make the sound louder.

Friday, October 4, 2019

Sound travels in different medium

Students of class IIIA cambridge International wing performed an activity  in which they have used different medium to listen to the sound coming from the same source and kept at equal distance from each medium investigated. In this activity students got the concept that sound is heard the loudest in solid than in liquids and softer in air due to arrangements of particle in different states of Matter.


 Students of class 2 Cambridge made asimple forcemeter to measure the force on different objects.students prepared the forcemeter and used d...