Monday, December 28, 2020

Daily Log-28.12.2020

Class II( Science)

Ch-6.1 Q/Ans were discussed and done in class .Refer GC for the same.

Class III( Science)

Discussion on path of electricity.

Ex -5.4 questions discussed in class.

Class IV(GP)

Discussion on Evolution of packaging and different types of packaging .Refer Google classroom for the same .

Friday, December 25, 2020


Did you know?

  • Isaac Newton was not very keen on school workand preferred reading and making things.
  • Newton was the first person to build a reflecting telescope, which made the images seen through a telescope much clearer.
  • Newton was the first scientist to be buried at Westminster Abbey. Since then other scientists have been buried there, including Charles Darwin, Ernest Rutherford, and Sir JJ Thompson.
  • Newton studied maths, physics and astronomy at Cambridge University. He became Professor of Mathematics and worked at the university for over 30 years.
  • Newton was also interested in alchemy – he spent a lot of time trying to discover how to change things like lead and mercury into gold.
  • Forces are measured in ‘Newtons’ after Newton’s work on motion.
  • Sometimes Newton’s year of birth is reported as 1642 and sometimes as 1643. This is because according to the old (Julian) form of calendar he was born on the 25th December 1642, but under the Gregorian calendar that we use today he was born on the 4th January 1643!

Daily log -24.12.2020

 Class II( Science)

C.W-Effects of force on an object done in class.

Class III( Science)

C.W- Discussion of Q/Ans (Ch-5.4) done in class.

H.W- Complete Ex-5.4(Activity Book).

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Daily Log-23.12.2020

 CLASS-II (Science)

Recapitulation of the concept PUSH and PULL. 

Ex-6.1 (Actvity Book) done in Class.

H.W- Complete the worksheet discussed in class. Refer GC for the same.

Class IV(GP)

Project 4(Discussion on "Function of Packaging")

H.W- Do the Questionnaire uploaded on GC.

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Making a Simple Circuit

 Students of Class III did a hands on activity of  Making a Simple Circuit and observed the conduct of electricity through open and Close switch. Students were able to conclude that when switch was open there was no flow of current hence the bulb did not light up and Vice versa.


 Students of class 2 Cambridge made asimple forcemeter to measure the force on different objects.students prepared the forcemeter and used d...