Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Science Mutual Learning Zone


Magnetic or Non Magnetic

 Students of Class II A Cambridge identified and Classified objects as magnetic and Non magnetic . Students used a magnet and stick them to different mateial and they observed that magnet attracts only iron metal and no other material.

Investigating how different surfaces reflect light

Students of Class III A Cambridge investigted how different surface reflects light . Students recorded their observation  through the reflection visible on the different surface  . Hence they concluded that shiny and smooth  surface reflect light better that rough surfaces.


Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Science week activities-Class 3

 As a part of science week students of class 3 prepared moon phase viewer prepared moon diary recording the phases of moon for past 4 days and the showed it on the moon phase viewer and also presented about the importance of moon with our religious festivities .students researched about the solar system and presented the same in the class with the helps of props.




 Students of class 2 Cambridge made asimple forcemeter to measure the force on different objects.students prepared the forcemeter and used d...