Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Shadow Puppet

 Student of Class II did a hands on activity on forming  shadow  with light source and an opaque object "The shadow puppet" students . Students observed that the opaque object blocked the light which formed a shadow on the screen. Students also changed the distance of the shadow puppet from the light source and observed that when the object was closer to the light source the shadow was bigger and when the shadow was away from the light source the shadow was smaller in size.By the end of the activity, students were aware that it is opaque materials which cast shadows.


Monday, August 8, 2022

Make a Particle Model


Students of Class III made small same-sized balls of modelling clay. The balls represent the particles particles. Each Students has to arrange the ‘particles’ to make a model of a solid and of a liquid. Students did the arrangement of particles and explained about the particle arrangement to the to their partners. By the end of the activity student could arrange the particles of Solid, Liquid and Gas.


Friday, August 5, 2022

Particle Game


Student of Class III performed this group activity where each group have to pretend to be solid, Liquid and Gas particles. Students stood close together in rows. They link arms tightly with their neighbours. The learners at the ends of each row held tightly to the shoulders of the person in front of them. Students iof other groups should next pretend to be liquid particles by unlinking their arms. They should spread out until they are just holding hands. They should move around as much as they can without letting go of each other’s hands. Similarly other group performed as Gas particles and spread around as gas Particle.


Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Make a simple Filter

 Students of class II A investigated how to separate an insoluble solid from a liquid . The mixture of soil and water was made to pass through the Filter paper in the funnel and students observed the water getting filtered drop by drop ,all the soil stick to the filter paper and the water was clean.



 Students of class 2 Cambridge made asimple forcemeter to measure the force on different objects.students prepared the forcemeter and used d...