Dear parent 

Each day we aspire, explore, innovate and excel and on the the day of the exhibition 'Ignited Pageant '(1st Aug,2015), we tried to justify it to  the fullest.Students from all the classes , 1 to VI Cbse i had put up experiments  based on 'Everyday Science'.
It is with great delight and exuberance ,we inform that out of 16 rooms ranging from IT, Hindi,English,Science ,Maths ,Commerce ,the Cbse i Room  has been ranked as the best  room sharing  the space  with the exhibits  on Hindi.
A complete list  of result has been uploaded.
We express our  gratitude and great regard for your whole hearted  participation  and certainly look forward to the same  zeal,
enthusiasm and involvement for all our future  endeavours.

Thanking you!



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